Coral Cove Private Credit AMC, Open for Investment
A convenient and well established way of tracking the performance of the successful Coral Cove Private Credit Strategy
Access to a diversified portfolio of high-quality private, asset-backed loans has normally only been available to large institutional clients. The Coral Cove Private Credit AMC provides clients an opportunity to track the performance of the Coral Cove Private Credit Strategy.
Overview of the AMC
Toreigh Stuart, Managing Director of Garrington Private Credit, “After some broad client engagement, we decided that using Guernsey as the jurisdiction to domicile the Coral Cove Private Credit AMC would provide our growing client base with a very efficient and well-established way of accessing the underlying Coral Cove Private Credit Strategy”
Key Features
Through Garrington Capital, the AMC provides access to an opportunity to track the performance of a diversified portfolio of short-term privately negotiated loans in a format not typically available to investors.
Lending Team
Operating in the lending space since 1999, Garrington Capital has funded over $USD 5 Billion in transactions across North America since inception.
Having a diversified portfolio of loans that are generally secured by assets reduces the overall risk of loss.
The Strategy is expected to have low correlation to traditional asset classes.
Low-Interest Rate
Predominantly due to the fact that the loans primarily have short-term maturity dates and are not publicly traded.
How it works
The Coral Cove Private Credit AMC can be accessed via your bank or existing brokerage relationship. We have established a dedicated team within Coral Cove and CAEP who can help ensure that all runs smoothly.
The Garrington Capital AMC Product Manager
Garrington Private Credit
Performance & Track Record
The investment team at Garrington Capital strongly believes that when “managed appropriately,” an investment in private credit can offer some of the most superior risk-adjusted returns currently available. Coral Cove Private Credit’s credit advisor, Garrington Capital has a 9-year track record with historical performance in the range of 8-11% per annum. Garrington Capital has a strong team with an attractive pipeline of opportunities to lend money in the North American SME space.